Central Valley Medical Center’s History
  • 1952 | A Hospital is Born
    Established as Utah’s ‘Juab County Hospital’ in March of 1952 with 11 patient rooms, 1 surgical suite, and clinic.
  • 1980 | Fountain Green
    New Fountain Green Utah Clinic established to better meet the needs of the area.
  • 1983 | A New Boss
    New CEO, Mark Stoddard is appointed.
  • 1984 | Lead by Experience
    Rural Health Management Corporation enters contract for management and under the direction of Gaylord Swim and Mark Stoddard CEO, tentatively becomes CVMC.
  • 1985 | To Better Serve You
    On January 1, 1985 Juab County Hospital, now Central Valley Medical Center, is established as a 501(c) 3 organization.
  • 1990 | We Are CVMC
    Legally changed hospital name to Central Valley Medical Center (CVMC).
  • 2000 | Fountain Green Grows
    Fountain Green Clinic moves into a new facility better equipped to care for patient needs.
  • 2001 | Growing For Your Needs

    CVMC moves to a new hospital and clinic facility in Nephi Utah. Increasing CVMC's capacity to; 19 rooms, 2 labor and delivery rooms, 5 ER beds, 2 surgery suites, and 6 clinical pods for physicians; which integrated an outpatient clinic, diagnostic lab, inpatient and outpatient surgery, respiratory therapy, and physical therapy departments.

    The new facility also established a state-of-the-art radiology department and services, including a 16 slice spiral CT scanner, ultrasound, mammography, and mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

  • 2004 | Critical Access
    CVMC is established as a critical access hospital (C.A.H.)
  • 2006 | Meeting the Need
    New 50,000 square-foot building expansion at CVMC’s main location adding a new retail pharmacy and home health building, same day surgery suite, 3 clinical pods for physicians, and a large education room and conference room, 6 hospital rooms, increasing the hospital private rooms to 25.
  • 2008 | We Have the Script
    Central Valley Community Pharmacy becomes a Good Neighbor Pharmacy
  • 2009 | Clear As Can Be
    Ophthalmology clinic and cataract surgery now at CVMC through Sightpath Medical and Excel Eye Center.
  • 2009 | Ear, Nose & Throat
    Audiology and Otolaryngology are now at CVMC through Peaks ENT Associates.
  • 2010 | Won’t Skip a Beat & Orthopedics

    Cardiology Services Are Now at CVMC.

  • 2010 | Talk It Out
    Central Valley Medical Center establishes counseling services for first time, further expanding the specialty skill set within the region at CVMC.
  • 2010 | Orthopedics
    Central Valley Medical Center establishes an orthopedic department for first time, further expanding the specialty skill set within the region at CVMC.
  • 2011 | Another Growth Spurt
    A second building addition of 25,000 square-feet at CVMC included 2 new OR surgery suites for orthopedic specialties and 2 new hospital patient observation rooms.
  • 2011 | A Better Image
    CVMC’s diagnostic image department establishes a digital mammography offering enhanced imaging to better assist with early detection of breast cancer.
  • 2012 | Down to the Bone
    Diagnostic imaging department incorporated Dexa Scanning capabilities to measure bone mineral density (BDM).
  • 2012 | Top 100
    Named to the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in Rural Healthcare Nationwide.
  • 2013 | Bettering the Image
    Established a permanent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), allowing for enhanced image contrast, reduced blurring and reduced artifacts to view more details and reduce the need for rescans.
  • 2013 | Top 20
    Named to the Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals in Rural Healthcare Nationwide.
  • 2014 | Greetings
    Hospital implements volunteer program to provide countless hours of service and perform a variety of duties all with a common mission - making visitors and patients more pleasant.
  • 2015 | Airmed Partnership
    CVMC establishes a landing pad for the University of Utah’s Airmed Services; delivering the most state-of-the-art equipment available, which includes digital capnography, invasive line management, and intr-aortic balloon pumps for transport. Flying trauma, burns, medical, pediatric, neonate, high-risk OB, and cardiac assist device patients 24 hours a day to our local communities!
  • 2015 | Down with the Beat
    Echocardiogram testing established at CVMC.
  • 2015 | A Closer Look
    CVMC gets new CT scanner with 128 slice scan capabilities.
  • 2017 | Pediatrics
    Central Valley Medical Center establishes a pediatric department for first time, further expanding the specialty skill set within the region at CVMC.
  • 2017 | Teleburn
    Expanded partnered with University of Utah TeleMed program for burn victims.
  • 2018 | Expanding the CVMC Footprint
    On July 2nd, 2018 construction for the new CVMC Santaquin Clinic concluded and CVMC opened its doors to South Utah County residents, with 5 residing physicians, 2 of which would provide specialty care.
  • 2020 | Appearance to Match the Experience
    CVMC concluded the construction to its 51,885-square-foot addition. Increasing by 81%, this expansion gives the ability for CVMC to provide the highest quality of care to its patients. Giving a new state-of-the-art emergency room with 3 trauma bays, a secure designated women’s center, expanded and updated kitchen, and adding additional surgical suites for same day surgeries.
  • 2021 | Cancer Care, Closer to Home
    In October of 2021, CVMC opened their doors to the world of oncology by way of telehealth technology and partnership with Intermountain. With the ability to create a one-on-one experience, our dedicated oncology RN, Robyn Aagard has been able to provide intimate care giving patients the ability to focus on healing.
  • 2022 | CVMC Leveling Up
    In April of 2022, CVMC emergency room achieved the state designation title of level four trauma center. Giving CVMC the ability to render better care in way of emergent situations. With onsite radiology and laboratory services, state of the art equipment, this gives the opportunity for doctors to make decisions for those who are in need of life saving interventions.
  • 2022 | CVMC Donates Building on Behalf of Higher Medical Education
    August 4th, 2022 Snow College and CVMC collaborated to provide a place where medical professional education could be located in Nephi. Offering an array of certifications and degrees to help those interested in pursuing education within the medical field.