Central Valley Medical Center Implements New Visitor Restriction Policy to Ensure Safety of Patients, Caregivers and Community.
- Category: Local News
- Posted On:
- Written By: Nick Stewart
CVMC has set up visitor restrictions to support infection prevention and to keep our patients, caregivers, and facilities safe during the coronavirus outbreak. Current visitor restrictions are modeled from the CDC and Utah Department of Health guidelines.
The policy, which goes into effect immediately today Thursday, March 12, 2020, includes:
- You’re asked to call ahead before you come into a CVMC facility for care.
- If you are sick, please do not visit or accompany a patient, and do not enter the facility except to seek care for yourself.
- Only two visitors or companions of a patient may visit at a time.
- We DO NOT allow anyone under age 18 to enter the facility except to seek care for themselves.
- There will be no visitors allowed to patients who have confirmed or possibly have COVID-19.
- Please wash your hands or use alcohol sanitizer before and after leaving a patient room, exam room, and a facility.
- Speak with a nurse or receptionist about expectations and special circumstances.
- All prescriptions and pharmacy items from the CVMC Community Pharmacy MUST BE picked up at the pharmacy drive-through window.
- Current Main Entrance (east doors) Hours will be as follows:
- Mon - Fri | 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
- Sat | 8:45 AM - 12:00 Noon
- Sunday | These doors will remain locked
For all health needs when these doors are locked please use the Emergency Department entrance located on the south side of the building under the ambulance bay.
As a reminder, if you have any of the following symptoms or criteria of COVID-19:
fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath; recent close contact with a
COVID-19 patient; or travel to an area where it is active, you may have
been exposed to COVID-19.
Please contact your health provider by phone. You can also contact any public Health Department or the Utah Coronavirus Information Line with questions and concerns at 1-800-456-7707.