Heart Health Services in Central Utah
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Recently,
the American Heart Association lowered the threshold of high blood pressure
from 140 over 90 to 140 over 80—putting nearly half of all U.S.
citizens within the qualifying range for hypertension (high blood pressure).
The dangers of poor cardiac health have never been more apparent, and
cardiologists are working tirelessly to spread awareness and make sure
people get the help they need.
The good news is, you can make significant improvements in your heart health
with lifestyle changes. A major reason this condition is so deadly in
the U.S. is that the American lifestyle does not incorporate many heart-healthy
activities into the average person’s day-to-day life. By being more
aware of heart health risks, you can do a lot to prevent major complications.
The experienced cardiologists of Central Valley Medical Center are here to help.
What You Need to Know About Heart Health
Your heart pumps blood throughout the body, ensuring that every muscle
and organ receives oxygen and energy to perform its necessary function.
When the heart is put under strain, or the arteries start to clog, it
becomes difficult for blood to get to where it needs to go. If a blood
clot forms, it can disrupt the flow of the heart and result in a heart attack.
If you have been referred to a cardiologist, chances are you have already
suffered a cardiac event and need to reduce the strain on your heart.
In the United States, the three leading causes of heart disease are poor
diet, lack of physical activity, and stress.
Lifestyle changes play a major role in improving heart health. If you suffer
from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, or other forms of heart disease,
the following may prove useful:
Exercise – Undergo at least 30 minutes of cardiac exercise a day. This can be something
as simple as a vigorous walk. If you have trouble setting aside a full
30 minutes, you can break it up into three 10 minute exercises throughout the day.
Diet – Greasy fast foods, red meats, and anything with excess fat clogs your
arteries with cholesterol. A nutritionist or registered dietitian can
help you build a leaner diet that incorporates more fish, fruits, vegetables,
and other heart-healthy foods. If you use a lot of butter in cooking,
try replacing it with extra virgin olive oil. Drinking plenty of water
is also important.
Reduce stress – Your state of mind affects your heart, and stress and depression add extra
strain your heart doesn’t need. There is no simple cure to stress,
and hearing that stress causes heart problems can easily cause more stress.
Take things slowly, try a guided meditation, and meeting with a counselor.
Remember, you don’t need to figure this out alone.
Get more sleep – Sleep disorders are another major risk factor for heart disease. If you
have trouble sleeping throughout the night, or if you feel tired throughout
the day, there is a high chance your difficulty sleeping requires medical
attention. The experts at our
Sleep Health Center can help.
We Can Guide You to a Healthier Heart
In severe cases of heart disease, you may require surgery to provide immediate
relief while you work on lifestyle changes. This may including stenting,
pacemaker implants, and other procedures. You can also receive supervised
heart health instruction through our
cardiopulmonary therapy program.
Located in Nephi Utah, just off I-15, Central Valley Medical Center offers
audiology services through our specialty clinic is proud to provide comprehensive
heart health services close to home in the Central Utah area.