MRIs are one of the most powerful tools in modern science for performing comprehensive diagnostic imaging tests. An MRI is comparable to a CT Scan, in that both provide detailed images of the body’s internal structures. MRIs differ from CT scans in that they use no radiation, are capable of producing higher quality images, and take longer to perform. Physicians will typically recommend MRIs when they need the best imaging result possible, or when other imaging tests have failed to help diagnose a patient’s condition.
An MRI does call for any incisions or injections, but it will require you to lay still for an extended period of time in a semi-enclosed space. During the exam, patients lie face up on a table that is slid, headfirst, into a large, tube-shaped machine. An MRI can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.
Though MRIs are painless, it can be noisy inside the machine while the scans are taken, which, in conjunction with the enclosed space, can be stressful for patients. You will, however, be able to communicate with the technician through an intercom and if you are particularly nervous about your ability to stay calm then a doctor may provide a sedative.
MRIs can provide clarity on abnormalities found in other imaging tests. Typically, MRIs are used to check for:
MRIs use radio waves and a magnetic field to create images, meaning there is no radiation exposure. You should notify your doctor if you have a pacemaker or a metal implant as these could be damaged by an MRI.
MRIs are available close to home in Central Valley Utah at Central Valley Medical Center. Call us today at 435-623-3165 to learn more.